Consultant Bio

Lou Gallo

Lou Gallo teaches both AP US and European history at West High School in Knoxville, Tennessee and AP European History for Dwight Global Online School, based in New York City. He has taught AP history classes since 1996 and has served at the AP Reading as a reader, table leader, and question leader since 2000. He works with the College Board in several different capacities. He is a College Board European History consultant since 2001 and US History consultant since 2013. He also serves as a mentor/coach to other European and US history consultants and has been an AP US history mentor since the program’s debut in 2016. He has written test questions for various outlets including ETS, Cengage Publishing and In 2003, Lou received the Milken National Educator Award as well as West High School Teacher of the Year. He was named Knox County Teacher of the Year in 2008 and again named West High School Teacher of the Year in 2015. He was one of five teachers from North America selected to run the Olympic torch for the 2012 Summer Olympics.